After braving an entire class period, I decided to spend the rest of the day in my room recuperating for the big ladies retreat this weekend! (I'm helping to lead worship, and I always lose my voice after being I've been talking as little as possible. Easier said than done.)
So far its been a cozy day of relaxing and catching up on homework. A much needed break from my crazy schedule. I don't want to say I'm happy to be sick....but....I kind of am.
Just in case you too decide to take a sick day, here's what I recommend:
Drink as much tea as your body can handle!
Wear as many over-sized sweaters as you want!
Sleep as much as possible! (i got almost 11 hours last night. Ahhhhh :) so nice )
Buy the cough-drops that actually taste good.
Do not watch as much America's Next Top Model as you can. All the episodes start looking the same.
Call your mom. When I'm sick I usually like people to feel bad for me and who better to feel sympathy for her poor, poor daughter who lives miles away than my mommy :) (Thanks mom)
Listen to this:
Dream about this:
I'm so excited for spring!
Thats all for now! I hope you all are having a splendid, healthy week!