Adjusting Focus


"Life is like a camera lens, focus only on what is important, and you will capture it perfectly." 
- Unknown

I woke up feeling a bit under the weather today, and so I decided to search for some inspiration to keep me going. It's easy to get "out of focus" and forget what's truly important, especially amid the stress of finals. I want to soak in everything about these last two weeks of my freshman year and try not to let the stress get the best of me.

Happy Monday to all! 

Ps. Stay tuned later this week for a post about the Black Keys concert I'm going to tonight! Can't wait!

Procrastination At Its Finest

I think I officially qualify as an awful blogger at this's been weeks since my last post. I'm sure you were all on the edge of your desk chairs wondering what in the world happened to me. Well, worry no more, I am alive and well and back to blogging.
Since Easter, life has been one whirlwind of studying and adventure. But mostly studying. I refuse to believe that there are only two weeks left of the semester. It went so fast and honestly, I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave or not. However, finals may drive me to the point of no return, and I may actually never return.
But before that happens, I want to post a few pictures to catch you up on the recent ins and outs of my life:

Sunrising with my wonderful friend Taylor will definitely be one of the highlights of my year. This one was to die for.

Frozen yogurt and good friends.

Fort Collins continues to amaze with its boundless coffee shops. Everyday Joe's might just be my new favorite   

 My family came up for a quick little visit last weekend and while my parents and Sam went to Denver for the day, "the brown haired children" got to spend a day gallivanting through Fort Collins.

 Lucy, our newest addition to the family and the newest light of my life, spent the day being generally adorable and peeing on every surface within a 20 foot radius.

Yes, she peed on me right after this was taken....

I love these two
Jess and Lucy-Lu

I hope you all have had a wonderful and stress free week! Look for more finals-induced-posts in the near future!

Come Awake, Come Awake

Happy Resurrection Sunday! I hope your day is filled with hope as you celebrate our God's defeat of death. This is a beautiful video of one of my favorite songs. Enjoy!

Let no one caught in sin remain

Inside the lie of inward shame

We fix our eyes upon the cross

And run to Him who showed great love

And bled for us

Freely You've bled for us

Christ is risen from the dead

Trampling over death by death

Come awake, come awake

Come and rise up from the grave

Christ is risen from the dead

We are one with Him again

Come awake, come awake

Come and rise up from the grave

Beneath the weight of all our sin

You bowed to none but Heaven's will

No scheme of Hell, no scoffer's crown

No burden great can hold You down

In strength You reign

Forever let Your church proclaim

O death, where is your sting?

O hell, where is your victory?

O church, come stand in the light

The glory of God has defeated the night

o death, where is your sting?

O hell, where is your victory?

O church, come stand in the light

Our God is not dead, He's alive, He's alive

Of Springtime

After a two day snowstorm on Monday and Tuesday, Spring has re-sprung and is hopefully here to stay. My first class was cancelled today (which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's the small things in life, right?) and so to honor my extra hour and a half of free time, I spent the afternoon snapping photos and sipping iced toddy's in beautiful Old Town Fort Collins. My friend Cait and I have begun a weekly tradition of exploring the nooks and crannies of Fort Collins and searching for hidden coffee shops. My goal is to hit every single one (except the Starbucks of course) in town before I graduate. Do-able? Maybe, maybe not.

Besides giving me warm fuzzies, this gorgeous weather makes me want to twirl around in a flow-y dress while listening to Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong. Which is precisely what I did. So for you to get an accurate feel for my day today, listen to this:

And look at these:

We found some beautiful (and cheap!) rings from some of the import shops in town


Under the lovely blooming tree
The camera loves her

There you have it. I hope your Thursday was as Springy as mine :) 


And finally, Android has instagram! I'm a cool kid now.

A Not-Even-Quarter Life Crisis and the Hunger Games: Does It Matter?

Last semester in my Psychology class, we learned about something called the "False Uniqueness Bias", otherwise known as the "I am special effect". It's the human tendency to underestimate our own commonality in our abilities, desirability or behavior. I suppose this is somewhat true, but it's also terribly depressing.
Maybe it's just me, but I think we all have this innate desire to be extraordinary, to do something special that no one else can do. We want to matter. But my psychology class, and most everyone else, would have us believe that any "unique talents" or "uncommon dreams" we may have are actually just a result of this bias and we are, in fact, nothing special at all. Just like everybody else, we are a result of our culture's psychological influence and nothing more.

But I don't buy it.

Generally I'm not one to jump mindlessly on the popular-culture band wagon, especially when it comes to books (I'm especially skeptical of any "new" romance/comedy/action novel people throw my way...I think I have a "classical literature bias"). Usually the story has been told a thousand times, in the same ways and the old version is a million times better.

But then I read the Hunger Games. (I'm sure a lot of you are sick of the hype about these books. Well, I was too, until I read them. And now I can say unashamedly, I'm "one of those" fans.) Something about these books resonated with me as they obviously did for the majority of the world's population right now. But why? What about these books gets our blood pumping and stirs something deep within us?

Katniss Everdeen is "normal"- she comes from a small district, has the occasional fight with her mother, has unruly hair, likes to be alone, is stuck in an awkward "love-triangle" with two (pretty ideal, I must add) young men. She doesn't see anything special about herself. But everyone else can see that she is indeed "uncommon". She is incredibly brave, taking the place of her sister in the Hunger Games and thereby embracing her almost certain death. She sees the bigger picture, isn't fooled by appearances and ultimately becomes the symbol of a rebellion against an overbearing government.

So why does Katniss stand out to us? Why can we all relate with her in some way that we just can't quite nail down?

It's because she matters. She found something (or in her case, someone) she was willing to die for and didn't hold back anything. She sacrificed herself for a cause greater than herself.

Though the example of the Hunger Games is a bit extreme (we aren't living in a dystopian society where our children have to fight to the death in order for us to eat) the exaggerated story-line leaves us with an undeniable feeling. We want to fight along side Katniss. We want to matter.

While most try and boil our behavior and desires down to a science, I believe we are much more complex than that. I finished the second book last night and woke up this morning with the irrepressible feeling that my life matters and and that I'm not doing anything to live up to it. It's a feeling that makes my heart race and sink every time I think about it: my life matters. I'm getting far too comfortable with being comfortable though. The place our lives matter the most is when we are doing something that scares us. Something that makes us uncomfortable, but something that makes us feel alive. The continual question I keep asking and won't be content until I find an answer to is "how". How is my life supposed to matter and what steps can I take now? I think it is a question we all should be asking.