Thankful For Lately

I've been so thankful for my life lately. I'm feeling overly blessed as I jump into this new semester, expecting it to be great. A few things in particular have been grabbing my heart lately, things that make me excited to start each day.

I'm thankful that I rediscovered our espresso maker and started a few days off this week with delicious vanilla lattes. 

 I'm thankful that I get to see the sunrise at least twice a week when I go to work. It's an incredible reminder of God's provision everyday.


I'm thankful for this amazing mid-January weather. I can't remember any other winter in Colorado where it has been nice enough to slack line in the middle of winter. 

 Finally, I'm thankful for this sweet, little baby AJ and I adopted yesterday. Her name is Roxy and I don't think I've ever fallen in love with something so quickly.  We are so excited to have her and I can't wait to share our adventures with you!

I'm continually reminded of how important it is to pause and remember the things that make life great. Anything from a vanilla latte to a puppy.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. very precious indeed. Start hiding your shoes at about 3 months. Remember when Snoopy was a pup:) Thankful for..Hhmm? right now...sons that still like to have mom read to them.

  2. I'm thankful for food in my belly, a roof over my head, and the words of this blog. Thanks for the reminder of the wonderful things in life!
