My Summer-Self

Since school got out, I haven't had many excuses to get dressed. By my normal standards. I've pretty much lived in running shorts and t-shirts thus far, which makes me a little nervous. My goal during the school year was to never go to class in sweatpants (I caved and wore sweats once during midterms), so my school-year-self would be quite disappointed in my summer-self. But hey, when all I do is sit around the house, I don't see much need to curl my hair or put on a maxi skirt. So speaking as my summer-self, when the chance arises, my mood is right, the stars align and I decide to look semi-presentable, it calls for documentation.
As luck would have it, this morning was gorgeous and sunny so I took Lucy (our Yorkie puppy) out to the back yard and we snapped a few photos before I left for church. I've been experimenting a lot with my camera and really want to improve, so it was fun to mess around a little bit. Here's what we came up with:
Isn't she the sweetest??

I'm off to a dinner date with my dad. Happy Sunday, friends!


  1. I love love love your photographs! You're very photogenic! Keep up the experimenting. Also, there is nothing wrong with lounging around in running shorts; summer is the epitome of the relaxed style.

  2. these pictures are stunning. truly.
    and that pup ... LOVE.

    1. Thank you so much! Your blog is beautiful, by the way!
