Procrastination At Its Finest

I think I officially qualify as an awful blogger at this's been weeks since my last post. I'm sure you were all on the edge of your desk chairs wondering what in the world happened to me. Well, worry no more, I am alive and well and back to blogging.
Since Easter, life has been one whirlwind of studying and adventure. But mostly studying. I refuse to believe that there are only two weeks left of the semester. It went so fast and honestly, I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave or not. However, finals may drive me to the point of no return, and I may actually never return.
But before that happens, I want to post a few pictures to catch you up on the recent ins and outs of my life:

Sunrising with my wonderful friend Taylor will definitely be one of the highlights of my year. This one was to die for.

Frozen yogurt and good friends.

Fort Collins continues to amaze with its boundless coffee shops. Everyday Joe's might just be my new favorite   

 My family came up for a quick little visit last weekend and while my parents and Sam went to Denver for the day, "the brown haired children" got to spend a day gallivanting through Fort Collins.

 Lucy, our newest addition to the family and the newest light of my life, spent the day being generally adorable and peeing on every surface within a 20 foot radius.

Yes, she peed on me right after this was taken....

I love these two
Jess and Lucy-Lu

I hope you all have had a wonderful and stress free week! Look for more finals-induced-posts in the near future!


  1. looks like you've been having a good time away!

    found the route

    1. That is definitely true! Thanks for reading, Kim :) Your blog is beautiful, by the way!
