A Little Post

I came across this little poem about the little things and wanted to share a few of my own from my little life that have made it oh so very beautiful lately.  
It really is the little things
That mean the most of all...
The "let me help you with that" things
That may seem very small
The "I'll be glad to do it" things
That make your cares much lighter,
The "laugh with me, it's funny" things
That make your outlook brighter...

The "never mind the trouble" things,

The "yes, I understand,"
The interest and encouragement
In everything you've planned
It really is the little things,
The friendly word or smile,
That add such happiness to life
And make it more worth while.

-Mary Dawson Hughes
My Little Things: 
Drinking a mug of my mom's homemade Indian chai. 
Watching the sunrise over Fort Collins while the rest of the town sleeps. 
Texting song ideas with my dad.
Singing in the car so loudly it should probably be considered a safety risk. 
Loving each of my classes in a brand new semester. 
Wearing clear-lensed glasses for no reason at all. 
People-watching around campus, wondering what each different life is like.  
Laughing at nothing. 
Pedicure-ing with my grandma. 
Reading children's books out loud in a pile of blankets and old friends. 
Window shopping in old-town between classes. 
Wearing a t-shirt outside in January. 
Smiling at strangers in class. 
Remembering how beautiful the stars are. 
Trying sushi for the first time.
Planning my return to Africa.
Snowboarding at last. 
Collecting phrases and words and ideas to write about later. 
Decorating a new dorm room. 
Praying for direction.
Eating too much pizza. 
Dancing like a fool in Zumba. 
Watching Audrey Hepburn movies. 
Helping Denver become a little more playful by installing random tire swings. 
Dreaming about Europe. 
Jumping into the new year, literally. 
Sleeping less than usual.
Wondering about the future yet knowing I'm exactly where I need to be.
 "If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive."
-- Eleonora Duse


  1. Thanks for the reminder. We all need our own list of "the little things." God is good, and there are so many little things that help us to remember that.

  2. It's one of the most obvious but most often forgotten things. Thank you, as always, for reading and commenting!

  3. Love this and so glad I was on the list.
